After 22 years of being a full time songwriter and singer and 24 albums of original songs, I felt the time was right to make a collection of heartfelt songs with a dash of humour mixed in. My hope and prayer is that as you listen, you will find a sense of peace, tranquility and purpose for your life as I have found in God.
A time of reflection upon your childhood to adult years, no matter how troubled and worrisome and come away knowing that all is not lost. There is an anchor that we can hold to in the storms of life who will never let go of us. His name is Jesus and he has been there for many a weary traveller on this road called Life. His guiding hand has steadied not only little children and adults, but his peace can be seen under not just a few wrinkled faces whose days are nearly done.
Surely we can trust this one who inspired songs such as “Amazing Grace”, to walk us through whatever valley we face in this world of broken promises, crooked business and even phoney religion. We can rest assured that He is the “Real deal”.
– Trevor Baker